Neighborhood Fuel

The Problem

Every day, nearly 40 million people fill up their tanks at gas stations. With an average time of 10 minutes, that’s nearly 7 million hours wasted a day. Driving to a gas station to pump gas feels antiquated, and Neighborhood Fuel had a solution.

The concept

Allow customers to fill up their gas tanks without even leaving their homes or offices. Neighborhood Fuel would use technology to help customers save time and focus on what's important.

We’re on our way

Let's assume that you are a person with a 9-5 job leaving in the morning to go to work. Your vehicle is then parked at the parking lot for 9 hours, waiting for you to jump back in and drive home. Those 9 hours would be a perfect time for Neighborhood Fuel to come and fill up your tank.

Fueling up made easy

After you have set up your work address, we will be able to verify your exact parking spot using our geolocation technology. The application will update you when we're going to be in your area before you even get out of your car.

Need gas today? Request service, and don't forget to leave your gas flap open; we will handle the rest. You will receive a notification pop-up once filled. Want to set up a weekly service? No problem.

Not just for cars…

Water sports are both a leisure activity and a way of life in South Florida; this is why Neighborhood Fuel is set on filling up your boats, jet skis, and other gasoline operated machines. We keep your vehicles topped off in either diesel or Rec-90.

Putting it all together

So far we’ve only taken a look at the customer-facing app, but in order to simplify the experience we needed to create two more invisible elements: The service app and the back-end dashboard.

The service app allowed the drivers to efficiently fill up a customers car with little to no interaction.

  • Notifications when customers are assigned to their account
  • Built-in navigation to efficiently allow the drivers to find a customers car
  • Built-in messaging to allow them to notify the customer when the service has been complete.
  • Metrics to show how much fuel was still available in the delivery truck.

The backend dashboard had an array of features built into it. It was also built as a white-label service, in order to provide enough flexibility for future use cases.

  • Customer profiles and metrics
  • Scheduling for drivers
  • Prioritization of stops for drivers

Project takeaways

Neighborhood Fuel is an all-in-one solution that was a pleasure to work on. There was 100% visibility throughout the project having functional specifications upfront along with a dev team that both communicated technical requirements and feasibility throughout the process.