The double diamond method

February 4, 2024

Understanding the Double Diamond UX Approach

The Double Diamond UX approach is a divergent-convergent framework that involves two main stages, each represented by a diamond shape. The first diamond signifies the exploration phase, where designers immerse themselves in understanding the problem space and generating a wide array of ideas. The second diamond represents the convergent phase, where these ideas are refined and honed to create a focused and effective solution.

For startups, this approach is particularly valuable as it ensures a holistic understanding of the user's needs and aligns the team towards a common goal, even in the face of uncertainties that are inherent in early-stage ventures.

The Exploration Phase: Uncovering Opportunities

In the initial diamond of exploration, the focus is on divergent thinking. This involves conducting thorough user research, understanding market trends, and empathizing with the end-users to identify pain points and opportunities. For startups, this stage is instrumental in avoiding costly pivots later on. By investing time upfront to deeply understand the target audience and market dynamics, the team can confidently embark on the development journey.

Startups often operate in a high-risk environment where pivoting quickly based on user feedback is essential. The Double Diamond approach allows for this agility by ensuring that the team explores a wide range of possibilities before settling on a particular direction. This not only minimizes the risk of developing a product that doesn't resonate with the market but also helps in uncovering unique value propositions that set the startup apart from competitors.

The Convergent Phase: Refining Solutions

Once the exploration phase has generated a diverse range of ideas, the convergent phase comes into play. This is where the team narrows down the options and starts refining the chosen concept. In the context of startups, this is a critical stage for optimizing resources and time.

By leveraging the insights gained during the exploration phase, the team can quickly validate and iterate on design concepts. This efficiency is particularly crucial for startups operating in a dynamic market where being the first to market can be a significant advantage.

The Double Diamond approach enables startups to make informed decisions about their product direction. It minimizes the risk of investing in features or functionalities that might not resonate with the target audience, saving valuable development time and resources.

Time Savings in the Long Run

One of the most significant benefits of the Double Diamond UX approach for startups is the time it saves in the long run. By investing time upfront in understanding user needs and thoroughly exploring potential solutions, startups can avoid costly redesigns and pivots down the line.

The efficiency gained through this approach is invaluable in the startup ecosystem, where speed to market can make or break a venture. The Double Diamond ensures that the design process is not rushed but remains focused and purposeful, resulting in a product that not only meets user expectations but is also aligned with the business strategy.


In the ever-evolving landscape of startups, where the stakes are high and time is of the essence, the Double Diamond UX approach serves as a guiding light for UX designers. With its emphasis on thorough exploration and focused convergence, this methodology empowers startups to navigate uncertainties, make informed decisions, and ultimately save precious time in the product development lifecycle. As a seasoned UX designer in the startup arena, I can confidently assert that the Double Diamond approach is not just a design philosophy; it's a strategic tool that can pave the way for success in the competitive world of early and seed-stage startups.